7 Days to Pimp Your Facebook Page!

facebook training


Are you struggling to get likes and engagement with your posts on your Facebook Business/Fan page?


7 days to Pimp Your Facebook Page!

Over the next 7 days I will help you to tweak your page to attract more visitors, likes and comments and to begin to build your brand on Facebook.

This challenge is totally FREE, I am a natural helper, and when I can share something to help people I get great enjoyment from seeing the results!

7 days, 7 emails

Learn to work smarter not harder!


Using attraction marketing techniques and branding you as a business person will yield better results than the often quite spammy product posts and generic pictures that are copied and pasted every day all over Facebook.

Give your Likers something interesting to read and engage with and see the difference a smile can make.

If you are ready to “Pimp Your Facebook Page” then please fill in the form below and wait for your first email to arrive.





Please check your emails for your confirmation email.

You will receive a welcome email within about 15 minutes and then a new email every day, from tomorrow, for the next 7 days each with two new tasks in them for you to complete.


Looking forward to seeing you on the inside


pimp your facebook